If you have been around for any length of time and hopped into one of my lives where I am writing and typing, you’ve definitely heard me talk about 4thewords. I even dedicated a chunk of a recent blog post, related to Preptober and Nanowrimo, to talking about 4thewords. 4thewords is, in essence, a game where writing words moves you forward. You have monsters which a limited amount of time to defeat them, and you defeat them by typing! Monsters have different words to time requirements, different drops, and different rewards. The quests are sometimes timed, have different words needed
Author: Elle M Drew
AKA, HOW TO WRITE FASTER. Yes, you read that right. How to write faster. Well, more specifically, how to write faster when you’re short on writing time. A little hint: you’re going to need to get organized! Something I get asked quite often is how I write so fast when sprinting. I know the silent question is, how do I write so fast and, lately, publish so slow. The second part of that question, of course, is that life has been kicking me roughly in the backside and kept the amount of time I can actually sit down and write
So there you are, staring at Microsoft Word (or Google Docs, but Microsoft Word is nice and you’re a professional, dammit!). It is time for you to start writing your new manuscript, or maybe copy and paste it in from whatever writing program you have been using. It’s time to start editing your work, or maybe share it with Alphas and Betas. Maybe it’s even time to send it to an editor! And you have no idea how to format the document or how it is supposed to look. And okay, maybe you’re the only one who’s going to
Let’s. Talk. Taxes. Now I want to start this off by saying that I don’t care if you are in the red or the green or have no idea how much money you have or haven’t made. It doesn’t matter what you think you should or shouldn’t have to pay. It doesn’t matter if you consider this to be a silly little hobby and what does it matter. I have a few basic rules in life. One of them is don’t fuck with the IRS. Because going to get theirs, whether you want to pay them or not. DO. NOT.
It is the first half of October, which means we have entered a phase many authors and writers lovingly call PREPTOBER. What is Preptober, you ask? It’s preparing for NANOWRIMO. If you haven’t heard of Nanowrimo, don’t you worry! I’m going to walk you through Preptober, Nanowrimo, some resources you use, and some tips on how to tackle this. This blog post is definitely heavy for all of the aspiring authors out there figuring out how to get started, but if you’re someone who struggles with writing steadily, finding time to write, keeping a schedule, or haven’t ever participated in
It is time… to assemble a list of resource links. All of these links are links from my various blog posts, along with other things I’ve just never mentioned, plus a few goodies of my own. They are all organized into various categories. I’m sure the categories do not make sense to anyone other than me, but hey, this is chaos authoring, so that’s how we do it. As you look at the list, it’s obviously… a lot more than just the links. If you want just the links and none of my rambling… CLICK HERE And now, let’s begin.
WHAT MONTH IS IT? My apologies on getting this up so late. It’s now the end of May, and I feel terrible that I am so behind, but honestly, I’m only just now getting paid for March, and things have been a disaster over here, so you know what? We’re going to just accept that this is the way that things are sometimes, and run with it! Do y’all like the format of these posts? I almost feel like I am dumping too much information that isn’t the right information, so I never really know if this is what everyone
So you’ve written and edited and marketed and published your first novel, and then you get the inevitable question… is there an audiobook for this. It’s a question that seems to pop up almost immediately any time I post about a new book, or even an idea for a book. Is there an audiobook? And of course, your answer will most likely be… Uhhhh… Because the fact is, producing an Audiobook isn’t cheap, it takes time, and it takes resources. But it’s not impossible! So, let’s talk about it. Let’s talk about audiobooks. Let’s talk about your next steps after
So, you’ve written a book, you’ve released it, it’s out into the world, and now… what. Now, what do you do? Now, what do you work on next? How do you continue momentum? How do you bring in more readers? How do you keep up engagement? How do you progress onto the next project? How do you even pick your next project? And how the hell do you pick between passion and profits? Well, let’s break it down. Let’s talk about it. Let’s figure out how to continue success. MARKETING AFTER THE FIRST THIRTY DAYS Thirty days after release, according
I honestly don’t even know how to start this post, so, I guess let’s jump right in. I walked into 2022 with the… wildest introduction any person could have. Because, in the days leading up to the start of the new year, I had pretty good sales, making about six dollars a day, and I was more than pleased with that. I had outperformed my goal for my first book, I had a solid number of readers, and I had a plan for the new year… and then, a few days before the start of the new year, my book